2008년 3월 15일 토요일

Class 08.03.14

Class 08.03.14

I studied about vannevar bush's article.
Thinking speed was very fast. And there were many information. But methods of transmitting and searching the information were generations old and uncomfortable.
So he combined established technology and bush devised effective method, memex. A memex was a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which was mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.
Memex used technology, photoelectric microfilm selector. photoelectric microfilm selector
which was an electronic retrieval technology pioneered by Emanuel Goldberg. The usual form of microfilm selector technology was to create a "search card" (a punched card) or template, bearing the coding pattern sought, and align it and the coded areas on the microfilm between a light source and a photoelectric cell.
Because memex used this technology, memex was very effective.

After class, I think discomfort of life motivates invent. That's why bush made memex.
In disarranged information flood, he feel uncomfortable of methods of transmitting and searching the information. So I take care about my life.


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